Politics seems resistant to facts
Beat Keller
Beat Keller ist Professor für Molekulare Pflanzenbiologie an der Universität Zürich
«Plant breeding calls for liberal rules»
Jürg Niklaus
Jürg Niklaus has a doctorate in law and is an advocate of plant breeding.
More pesticides, more genetic engineering: How we are overcoming hunger.
Markus Somm
Journalist, publicist, publisher and historian
«The fear of genetically modified plants is unwarranted»
Anke Fossgreen
Head of Knowledge Team Tamedia
«Politicians must avoid pushing prices up even more»
Babette Sigg Frank
President of the Swiss Consumer Forum (KF)
Seizing the opportunity of green biotechnology
Roman Mazzotta
Country President Syngenta Switzerland
«One-third organic farming does not solve the problem»
Olaf Deininger
Development Editor-in-Chief Agrar-Medien
«Most fears about pesticides are misplaced»
Michelle Miller
Columnist at Genetic Literacy Project and AGDaily
«Who is afraid of the evil GMOs?»
Jürg Vollmer
Editor-in-Chief of «die grüne» magazine
Content in German
«What plant breeding brings us»
Achim Walter
Professor of Crop Science, ETH Zurich
Content in German
«Research and work place needs impetus»
Jan Lucht
Head of Biotechnology at Scienceindustries
Content in German
«Agriculture plays a major role»
Jan Grenz
Lecturer in Sustainability, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
«Understanding nature’s mechanisms better»
Urs Niggli
Agricultural scientist and president of Agroecology Science
«Lay people completely disregard the dose»
Michael Siegrist
Professor of Consumer Behaviour, ETH Zurich
Content in German
«Is organic really healthier?»
Anna Bozzi
Head of Nutrition and Agriculture at scienceindustries
Content in German
«Genetic engineering and environmental protection go hand in hand»
Dr. Teresa Koller
Researcher at the Institute of Plant and Microbiology at the University of Zurich
«The «Greta» generation will rigorously dispel paradigms.»
Bruno Studer
Professor for Molecular Plant Breeding, ETH Zurich
Content in German
«Overcoming the urban-rural divide with constructive agricultural policy»
Jürg Vollmer
Editor-in-Chief of «die grüne» magazine
Content in German
«We protect what we use»
Regina Ammann
Head of Business Sustainability, Syngenta Switzerland
Content in German