Sustainable food from the bioreactor
Feed more people and waste less raw materials – we are achieving this goal thanks to "sustainability from the laboratory," Tilo Hühn is convinced. Together with a team of 80 at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the food architect is researching sustainable nutrition solutions.
The Future of Agriculture and Climate Change
All around the world, we see and feel the effects of climate change on our lives. While it impacts everyone, agriculture is one of the sectors that is at the forefront of climate change – contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and at the same time coping with growing our food under increasingly challenging conditions. So, how can we address climate change and take action that makes an impact?
From stem cell to steak
Meat production consumes a lot of resources. And for a wide variety of reasons, people are eating less meat or even giving it up entirely. A growing number of companies are therefore looking into alternative methods of producing meat – for example, in a lab.
CO2 reduction with alternative artificial fertiliser
The two agrochemical producers Bayer and Syngenta are investing in an American start-up whose technology can massively reduce the use of nitrogen fertiliser.
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«People don't know what chemistry is»
People often discuss pesticides and biocides. «Pesticides are chemistry and chemistry is poison», is often said. According to Dominique Werner of scienceindustries, the negative attitude often has to do with ignorance.
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«Food is safer than ever»
The eating habits of the population have changed greatly in recent years. There is a trend towards healthy and sustainable nutrition. But at the same time, many consumers are also unsettled.
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«Synthetic equals toxic? Wrong!»
When shopping for food on a daily basis, we often rely on our gut feeling. This can be very useful and save us a lot of thinking. But when it comes to assessing risks, our gut feeling can also be deceptive. Angela Bearth, a behavioural psychologist at ETH Zurich, explains why this is the case in the swiss-food podcast.
«You cannot vote on science»
Resistance to new technologies is currently booming. In the case of green genetic engineering, politicians are also finding it difficult to deal with new technologies in a forward-looking way. But where does this fear of new things come from? Ludger Wess, science journalist and molecular biologist, talks about this in the Swiss-Food Podcast.
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